Once again, this post will be pretty straightforward. Carry on.
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2. He started out young. LeBron entered the NBA when he was only 18 years old. That means he already had a job when he was 18 years old. He had a contract with Nike before he could legally drink. In short, he received a grand opportunity at such a young age. Same things have been happening to this generation. You see 18 year old Pinoys being offered by UCLA, or being offered a try out by Duke University. You also see teenage journalists who are capable of producing quality articles that can match their senior. And many more.
3. .. but that also meant he got criticized early as well. LeBron was tagged as the next MJ because of the potential he showed in High School. Some people were amazed at first. "Woah, he's so good!" "Wow, I wish I was like him!" But eventually, the amazement turned into hate. "OVERRATED" "EVEN I COULD BETTER THAN HIM PSSSSHHH" And many more.
4. He became cocky for a while when he found someone else that was big time. LeBron James left the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat during the Summer of 2011 in order to get championships. He could have done the same in Cleveland, but eventually, he got tired of doing all the work in his relationship with the Cavs, and decided to move on to something that could give him the pleasures that he desired. People hated him for it, but hey, he got the results he wanted right? Haters gonna hate after all.
5. ... but eventually he became more mature after the cockiness. Getting a championship in the NBA is HELLA difficult. Just ask Michael Jordan. Sure, he was unbeaten in the Finals, but that doesn't mean he had it easy. He had to go through the Bad Boys, Magic, Clyde, Charles, Gary and Karl in order to reach GOAT status. The same happened to LeBron. It wasn't an automatic coronation when he went to the Heat. He had to go through Dirk, KD, the Celtics, and the Spurs before he could get the championship that has long eluded him. The road to his one true love, the championship, isn't easy. It won't be easy. Now that he realized that, he's gone back to his original one. The Cleveland Cavaliers. The same goes for love. You think you have everything already after all the kilig and the gifts your significant other has given you. But eventually you realize that it's hard. There will be fights. Misunderstandings. Third parties. Snakes. But in the end, it's all worth it.
6. Despite all the hate and the challenges, he still continues to do his thing. Despite being with the his original one, the hate still continues to pour for LeBron. But no matter, his relationship seems set with Cleveland. He has matured. He's ready to bring a title to Ohio, and he will do anything to make it work. It's just like how this generation is. Hate will inevitably come to them via social media, or gossip. But in the end, they will still do their thing, because after all, that is how they are. And it's amazing.
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